
2017-11-20 16:53:21|來源:中國網|編輯:王菲|責編:李玥

  11月9日,“美麗浐灞 綠色智慧——2017中外記者座談會”在浐灞生態區歐亞創意設計産業園孵化中心舉行。


  中國國際廣播電臺土耳其語部記者Sedat Aydin談對浐灞今昔變化的感受

  中國國際廣播電臺土耳其語部記者Sedat Aydin表示,中國的“一帶一路”倡議有個很中心的思想就是共享,相信未來隨著“一帶一路”倡議的推進,浐灞的生態治理經驗也將通過“一帶一路”介紹給更多的國家,土耳其也是“一帶一路”上的重要一站,希望兩國之間能夠在生態領域等方面加強交流。浐灞以前是一個生態環境欠佳的地方,通過13年的努力取得今天煥新的面貌可以説是一個奇跡,如今浐灞環境優雅,能看的出來在這裡生活的人幸福感很強,希望浐灞可以越變越美。


  中國國際廣播電臺德語部記者Johanna Wolff向記者講述來到浐灞的所見所聞

  中國國際廣播電臺德語部記者Johanna Wolff説,作為“國際綠色宣傳使者”,她會用照片的形式記錄下在浐灞的所見所聞,這些照片要比文字更能體現出浐灞的美麗。浐灞的轉變的驚人的,這會是一個很好的生態治理經驗,對於生態環保方面很有傳播意義。(許文妍)


  Foreign Reporters Give Thumbs up to Green Chanba: Hope Chanba Get Increasingly Beautiful

  November 9, China.org.cn (Xu Wenyan) - “Beautiful Chanba, Green Wisdom-2017 Foreign and Domestic Reporters Forum” was held in Incubation Center of Euroasia Creative Design Park in Chanba Ecological District.

  Sedat Adyin, reporter of Turkish Department of China Radio International expressed that the main central idea of “The Belt and Road Initiative” of China is sharing. It is believed that with the progress of “The Belt and Road Initiative” in the future, the ecological governance experience of Chanba will also be introduced to more countries through “The Belt and Road Initiative”; Turkey is also an important site of “The Belt and Road Initiative” and he hoped that the two countries can strengthen exchanges in the ecological field. Through the efforts of 13 years, Chanba has turned its poor ecological environment into a brand-new appearance with elegant environment, which is indeed a miracle. At present, it can be seen that people living here have a strong sense of happiness and he hopes Chanba can become more and more beautiful.

  Johanna Wolff, reporter of German Department of China Radio International said that as the “international emissary of green publicity”, she would record what she has seen and experienced in Chanba through photos, which can embody the beauty of Chanba more than the words. The startling changes of Chanba will be the great experience of ecological governance and is of the transmission significance in terms of ecology and environmental protection.








