長江入湖北第一關的“疫”線守門員戰疫賽道上有一種漢馬版的暖心服務物業小哥騎單車給居民運套餐 100多斤豬肉挂滿車把隔離點內中風老伴得到悉心照顧 七旬老人“實名”視頻致謝婦女節6名一線工作者講述抗疫故事省扶貧攻堅領導小組印發通知要求 力爭做到戰“疫”和戰貧兩不誤武漢:用愛心打通居民服務“最後100米”父親走了 她沿著父親的腳步踏上防疫一線湖北十堰“90後”女輔警創作漫畫為戰友一線戰疫加油湖北省首批穩崗返還5.53億元 惠及企業10.35萬家武漢:三類地點全部實現“床等人”硚口武體方艙醫院“休艙”【戰疫最前線】除了治療新冠肺炎 疫情中的醫護人員還做了這些暖心的事浦發銀行潘衛東:加速數字化轉型 促企業復工復産 保民生服務暢通江夏區方艙醫院首批23名患者治愈出院碧桂園採購10噸防護物資直飛運抵武漢中共湖北省委統戰部向全省統一戰線成員和統戰幹部發出倡議武漢實現核酸檢測日清日結武漢市新冠肺炎疫情防控指揮部關於對新冠肺炎治愈出院患者實施康復隔離的通告(第16號)組圖:拿起兒時筆 手繪戰“疫”情湖北省新型冠狀病毒感染肺炎疫情防控指揮部通告江夏中醫醫院170多名患者治愈出院張定宇妻子為新冠肺炎患者獻血漿兩次病危的新冠肺炎患者治愈出院 專家:中醫藥全程干預效果好致在湖北留學生(中、英、法)武漢市新冠肺炎疫情防控指揮部關於嚴格公共場所疫情防控措施的通告(第13號)209名滯留同胞乘國航包機回家武漢開發區城管隊員24小時待命 每小時給道路橋梁量一次“體溫”武漢見證:急難險重有我子弟兵武漢百萬中小學“線上開學” 特殊典禮開啟新學期湖北交投鄂西高速職工用“五穀雜糧”作畫 為武漢加油祈福武漢市衛生健康委關於全民監測體溫的幾個問題的答覆武漢三種方式強化發熱病人排查社區防控:築牢第一防線寂靜的城市 堅守的市民湖北鄖西:54個寶寶在疫情中平安降生轉運首批患者的車輛抵達火神山醫院武漢市定點醫院病床使用情況(統計時間2020年2月3日23:00)一首《武漢伢》傳遍大江南北武漢市定點醫院病床使用情況(統計時間2020年2月2日23:00)湖北加強疫情防控監督工作 對違紀違法者堅決查處武漢市金銀潭醫院20名患者集體出院17個文藝人共譜《武漢伢》《戰書》如確有需要 武漢將申請進一步延長春節假期武漢市中小學從2月10日開始線上開課武漢市金銀潭醫院院長張定宇用漸凍的生命托起信心與希望武漢協和醫院11名醫護人員病毒核酸檢測轉陰湖北將在3天內擴大防護服等醫用物資産能禁行首日 武漢商超供應有保障武漢雷神山醫院開工 12天內交付

24000 runners take their mark for 2018 Wuhan Marathon

2018-05-24 12:43:10|來源:中央廣電總臺國際在線|編輯:楊坤林|責編:孟慧

  【多語種報道】24000 runners take their mark for 2018 Wuhan Marathon

  The start line of the 2018 Wuhan Marathon

  The 2018 Wuhan Marathon kicked off at 7:30, April 15, 2018. Some 24,000 runners from China and abroad participated in the event. 

  With an increasing international popularity, the number of applications, total participants and foreign runners hit a record high this year. According to the Wuhan Marathon Organizing Committee, a total of 136,311 people signed up for this year’s entry drawing and 24,000 lucky runners landed a spot on the start line of the 2018 Wuhan Marathon. Among them, there were 711 foreign runners from 29 countries including the United States, France, the United Kingdom, and Australia, a figure far surpassing the 467 people in 2017.

  【多語種報道】24000 runners take their mark for 2018 Wuhan Marathon

  24,000 runners taking their mark 

  The Wuhan Marathon has built a stellar reputation after the successful hosting of the previous two races. Its official status has been elevated from a bronze-medal event by the Chinese Athletic Association to a gold-medal event, earning it prestige as one of the four Grand Slams of marathon-running in China.and has become the four Grand Slams of China Marathon.

  Morocco's Boudad Zakaria successfully defended his title this year in the Wuhan Marathon. Li Zicheng finished as the top Chinese marathoner and third overall in the race, running 2 hours, 15 minutes, 40 seconds. He currently ranks first in the China Marathon Grand Slam Championship and has locked in the Grand Slam championship in advance.

  【多語種報道】24000 runners take their mark for 2018 Wuhan Marathon

  Hood from Ethiopia (second from left)

  Meanwhile, Hood of Ethiopia was the first woman to cross the finish line, clocking in at 2 hours, 28 minutes and 35 seconds. China’s own Li Dan sped to the finish line as the runner-up in in 2 hours, 30 minutes and 20 seconds. In an interview after the race, the Ethiopian champion said that she was in great condition throughout the race. She also expressed her delight at the enthusiasm of the Chinese public. (Kevin)