The 10th APEC SME Technology Conference and Fair wraps up in Shenyang

2018-07-02 09:57:25  |  來源:中央廣電總臺國際在線  |  編輯:楊海峰   |  責編:董健雄

  The 10th APEC Small & Medium Enterprises Technology Conference and Fair has wrapped up in the Shenyang International Exhibition Center. The event, which lasted three days from June 27 through 29, featured 1, 649 enterprises and 2, 000 booths with an exhibition space of 50,000 square meters. The extensive list of exhibitors included 23 Global Fortune 500 companies, 9 unicorn companies and 241 patented and innovative products and technologies.

  The 10th APEC SME Technology Conference and Fair wraps up in Shenyang

  The Exterior View of the Exhibition Hall of the 10th APEC Small & Medium Enterprises Technology Conference and Fair (Photo: Li Ziping)

  The APEC Small & Medium Enterprises Technology Conference and Fair is the largest and highest-level international exhibition hosted by APEC in China. It not only gathered an impressive and eclectic lineup of enterprises, talents and cutting-edge products from around China and the other 20 APEC member countries and regions, the event has also drawn the interest and active participation from a slew of countries and regions outside the APEC. The APEC Small & Medium Enterprises Technology Conference and Fair has been successfully held for nine years so far with fruitful results.

  The 10th APEC SME Technology Conference and Fair wraps up in Shenyang

  The Opening Ceremony of the 10th APEC Small & Medium Enterprises Technology Conference and Fair (Photo: Li Ziping)

  Since September 2016 when the city of Shenyang won the bid to host the event, the Shenyang Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government have dedicated its resources and efforts to ensuring the successful organization of the exhibition. A special working group, led by the city’s mayor and deputy mayor, organized and deployed some 20 delegations to APEC countries and regions as well as countries and regions along the Belt and Road to attract and invite investment and exhibitors. The 2 years of dedication and hard work that went into the preparation yielded a successful and professional exhibition in the past three days.

  The 10th APEC SME Technology Conference and Fair wraps up in Shenyang

  Inside the Exhibition Hall of the 10th APEC Small & Medium Enterprises Technology Conference and Fair (Photo: Li Ziping)

  The 10th edition of the APEC Small & Medium Enterprises Technology Conference and Fair dwarfed its predecessors in terms of venue size, number of participants and exhibition booths. The event was themed “Innovation Drives Development & Cooperation Creates a Future” this year, with a nod to the development of national pilot demonstration areas in Shenyang such as the Shenyang Comprehensive Innovation and Reform Experimental Zone, Free Trade Experimental Zone, Sino-German High-end Equipment Manufacturing Industrial Park and Big Data Comprehensive Experimental Zone. The Conference & Fair effectively showcased the revitalization and development of the old industrial base in Liaoning and also highlighted the effort of Shenyang to create an international business environment as well as to pursue the vision, industrial strength and innovative spirit of an international hub in Northeast Asia. (Kevin)


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