Innovation of culture and tourism integration helps create new landscape of Dalian's tourism industry

2019-08-14 16:46:40  |  來源:中央廣電總臺國際在線  |  編輯:李靜   |  責編:董健雄

Innovation of culture and tourism integration helps create new landscape of Dalian's tourism industry

Zhang Feng, Deputy Director of Dalian Culture and Tourism Bureau [Photo: Yang Wei]

  Two years after becoming China's first "demonstration city of tourism", Dalian has been leading the way with a tourism income of 144 billion yuan in 2018.

  On July 25, CRI Online (Liaoning) caught up with Zhang Feng, deputy director of Dalian Culture and Tourism Bureau.

  Zhang Feng said that Dalian is an early mover in the development of the tourism industry. It registered as "a city of romance and fashion" city brand 20 years ago. As the largest port city in northeast China, it has also become a portal for the region’s opening up.

  "Since the beginning of its development, Dalian has been eyeing on building a tourism destination." Zhang Feng said that this is also in line with the country's promotion of all-for-one tourism.

  “As the market continues to change, we are also changing our thinking. If a single scenic spot cannot suffice., then we shift toward integrated services. "Zhang Feng said that with the implementation of the integration of culture and tourism, Dalian, with its long history, is able to give full play to the advantages.

  In regard of Dalian urban tourism, Zhang Feng said that it should be combined with the concept of all-for-one tourism, as well as the layout of local tourism industry. Make every step counts in the integration of culture and tourism to build a new landscape.


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