Jinzhou Bay, beautiful views along China’s northernmost coastline

2019-08-20 11:50:25  |  來源:中央廣電總臺國際在線  |  編輯:李靜   |  責編:董健雄

Jinzhou Bay, beautiful views along China’s northernmost coastline

Jiang Lixin, director of Jinzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio and Television in an interview with CRI Online. [Photo: Chen Yingnan]

  A coastal city by the mountains, 41 degrees north latitude, Jinzhou is a cool and pleasant resort. With its unique natural resources, the city’s new layout aims at building a tourism zone along its 124 km coastline, creating China's top coastal summer resort featuring “cool weather, tasty food, and fresh air”.

Jinzhou Bay, beautiful views along China’s northernmost coastline

Bijiashan Island, Jinzhou  [Photo: Jinzhou Municipal Bureau of Cultural Tourism, Radio and Television]

  On August 5, Jiang Lixin, director of the Jinzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio and Television, had an exclusive interview with the CRI Online Liaoning. She described a beautiful picture of Jinzhou, a land blessed with beautiful mountain and sea views.

Jinzhou Bay, beautiful views along China’s northernmost coastline

Chinese family sailing race, Jinzhou match is held in Jinzhou bay  [Photo: Jinzhou Municipal Bureau of Cultural Tourism, Radio and Television]

  Jinzhou Bay is located on the northern shore of the Bohai Sea, which has valuable wind force all the year round.  Every year From June to September, Jinzhou offshore happens to have a suitable sea breeze, which is also the coolest sea area in the country. This makes Jinzhou Bay the best place for sailing. The first National Ice Sailing Open was successfully held here in February this year.

Jinzhou Bay, beautiful views along China’s northernmost coastline

Yiwulv Mountain   [Photo: Jinzhou Municipal Bureau of Cultural Tourism, Radio and Television]

  Whether in winter or summer, Jinzhou looks always elegant and graceful. Here has the most beautiful scenery you cannot miss.


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