The mellow taste of Yingkou agricultural products awaits world consumers

2019-11-06 11:09:20  |  來源:中央廣電總臺國際在線  |  編輯:李子平   |  責編:董健雄

The mellow taste of Yingkou agricultural products awaits world consumers

  Fruit, rice and aquatic products are the proudest characteristic agricultural products of Yingkou people.

  In recent years, Yingkou City takes the development of export-oriented agriculture as its foothold, and the export of agricultural products involves more than 40 countries and regions.

  Yingkou exports a large number of apples, watermelons, grapes, peaches, rice, jellyfish, hairy crabs, prawns and so on, which are China's National Geographic Indication Products.

  Yingkou is located at 41 degrees north latitude. It counts  175,180 frost-free days every year. The annual average accumulated temperature is 3,300 degrees Celsius, precipitation 630mm, making it an ideal area for rice planting.

  Relying on the advantages of Yingkou Port and Liaoning Pilot Free Trade Zone, Yingkou has also become a production, processing and sales base of high-quality rice in northeast China.

  As an important characteristic agricultural product in Yingkou, Yingkou fruit's reputation spreads thousands of miles.

  As a fruit-planting city, Yingkou's Gaizhou City has actively adjusted its industry and enhanced its market competitiveness, giving rise to a number of Yingkou fruit products with unique regional characteristics and quality, such as apples, watermelons, grapes, peaches, sharp pears and so on.

  Through the comprehensive consideration of the market trend, characteristics, development basis and other factors, as well as Yingkou's rational planning, resource consolidation, aggregate development, Yingkou's characteristic agricultural products will open up more market.


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