The 2020 China Shenyang Overseas Elite Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition was launched on April 15.

2020-04-15 14:35:59  |  來源:中央廣電總臺國際在線  |  編輯:李靜   |  責編:馮鈺穎

The 2020 China Shenyang Overseas Elite Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition was launched on April 15.

Lv Bo, vice chairman of the Shenyang Association of Science and Technology, said at the meeting Photo: Song Jun 

On April 15, a press conference was held at the 2020 Haizhi Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition in Shenyang, China. Lu Bo, vice chairman of the Shenyang Association of Science and Technology, said at the meeting that this year's competition, which will be held from April 15 to August 28, and it will strive to break through the "last kilometer"and promote the project to be launched. 

The Haizhi Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition in Shenyang, China (Hai Chuang Competition for short) has been held for five consecutive times since it began in 2015. The competition is committed to building an interactive platform for innovation and entrepreneurship of scientific and technological talents at home and abroad, and promoting the transformation and landing of scientific and technological achievements domestic and overseas in Shenyang. 

The theme of this competition is “Gathering Talents in Shenyang, Building Dream in Haichuang". There are two special venues at home and abroad, which are organized and implemented by Shenyang International Software Park and Shenyang Hunnan Science and Technology City Development Co., Ltd. All participating enterprises and teams can register through the unified registration port This year's competition is themed on the development of strategic emerging industries in Shenyang, focusing on modern emerging scientific and technological achievements such as dig data, Internet of Things, loud computing, blockchain, artificial intelligence, 5G, etc., especially welcomes the participation of much-needed public health and epidemic prevention projects. 

Haichuang  Competition always aims to get through the last kilometer of entrepreneurship and ensure the landing service of entrepreneurship. This competition adopts the project selection and accurate docking at the same time, and the project launching and technical cooperation work together. 

While holding the two sub-district competitions, the competition also organized a series of activities of the National mass entrepreneurship and innovation week Oversea  Elites innovation Competition, a docking meeting of overseas high-level talent projects, a returnee talent innovation and entrepreneurship forum, a Haizhi lecture hall, and an entrepreneurship training camp, creating a strong atmosphere of mass entrepreneurship and innovation in the whole society.


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