Liaoyang: taking "two belts and two resorts " as a link to promote the global development of "the first city in Northeast China"

2019-09-04 13:38:35  |  來源:中央廣電總臺國際在線  |  編輯:李靜   |  責編:董健雄

Liaoyang: taking "two belts and two resorts " as a link to promote the global development of "the first city in Northeast China"

  Wang Xinhong, Director of Liaoyang Cultural Tourism and Radio and Television Bureau, gives an interview with CRI Online Liaoning Channel Photo: Chen Yingnan

  From the Warring States to the Late Ming Dynasty, from the Early Qing Dynasty to modern times, more than two thousand years of splendid culture and history left the most profound impression here.

  On August 19, Wang Xinhong, director of the Liaoyang Cultural Tourism and Radio and Television Bureau, had an exclusive interview with the CRI Online Liaoning Channel, describing the development of Liaoyang Culture and Tourism in all fields of time and space.

  "Liaoyang White Pagoda, Liaoyang Han Wei Fresco Grave, Dongjing City, Dongjing Mausoleum and other cultural relics protection units, Liaoyang folk drum music, Liaoyang Errenzhuan and other national intangible cultural heritage projects, are rare cultural relics," Wang Xinhong said.

  Located in Shen Da Gold Economic Zone, Northeast Three Provincial Economic Corridor and Bohai Economic Circle, Liaoyang, which has a history of more than 2,300 years, is full of mystery and vitality.

  With a thousand-year history, Liaoyang Han Wei Fresco Grave, colorful vivid scenes, give people a feeling of going back in time.

  Gongchangling Hot Spring Ski Resort allows hot springs and skiing to coexist; Tong Erbao fur city, known as the three major fur distribution centers in the country, is attracting visitors from all directions.

  Liaoyang should take the "two belts and two resorts " as a link to build a good historical and cultural sightseeing belt of the Taizi River and a modern ecological agriculture sightseeing and leisure belt in the Liaoyang section of Shenyang-Dalian Expressway.

  We will build the Gongchangling Hot Spring Ski Tourism Resort, Tong Erbao Fur and Fur Shopping Scenic spot, strengthen fine ice and snow hot springs, fur shopping, historical and cultural tourism, strengthen rural tourism, and realize a new pattern of global tourism, Wang Xinhong said.(Author Yang Haifeng Yang Wei)

Liaoyang: taking "two belts and two resorts " as a link to promote the global development of "the first city in Northeast China"

Guangyou Temple Photo: Liaoyang Cultural Tourism and Radio and Television Bureau

Liaoyang: taking "two belts and two resorts " as a link to promote the global development of "the first city in Northeast China"

Tong Erbao Fur Fashion Show Photo: Liaoyang Cultural Tourism and Radio and Television Bureau

Liaoyang: taking "two belts and two resorts " as a link to promote the global development of "the first city in Northeast China"

Autumn of Hehuogou Valley Photo: Liaoyang Cultural Tourism and Radio and Television Bureau



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