Shenyang park boosts Sino-German cooperation

2019-09-04 10:56:33  |  來源:中國日報  |  編輯:李靜   |  責編:董健雄

Shenyang park boosts Sino-German cooperation

  An employee at the BMW Brilliance Automotive Ltd Tiexi plant installs an instrument panel on an assembly line in Tiexi, Liaoning province. [Photo/Agencies]

  Sticking to opening-up and innovation, the China-Germany Equipment Manufacturing Industrial Park in Shenyang has been growing into a new frontier of economic cooperation between China and Germany.

  "We aim to achieve high-quality development with German-funded projects accounting for no less than 40 percent," said Guo Zhongxiao, director of CGIP.

  Approved by the State Council four years ago, the park is the first Sino-German high-end equipment manufacturing industry cooperation platform nationwide.

  As a core equipment manufacturing base in China, Shenyang hosts big names like BMW, SEW, Bentler and other well-known enterprises.

  BMW and its Chinese partner, under the latest strategic cooperation agreement, will invest another 3 billion euros ($3.4 billion) to upgrade facilities and build electric vehicle factories in CGIP to serve the Chinese market and beyond.

  "The park supports German investors with unique advantages such as convenient traffic and industry supporting capacity," said Bian Yi, chief of the international cooperation bureau of the park.

  According to her, the park established Northeast China's first offshore innovation center in Germany, which can provide services for both Chinese and German enterprises in terms of project consulting, human resources and technological support.

  "Sino-German cooperation has a bright future as many German traders have become investors and integrated into the local economic ecosystem," said Thorsten Giehler, GIZ country director in China.


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