Experience the legend of the Millennium by taking a cliff tour and Chahai in Fuxin

2019-09-20 16:01:40  |  來源:中央廣電總臺國際在線  |  編輯:李靜   |  責編:董健雄

Experience the legend of the Millennium by taking a cliff tour and Chahai in Fuxin

Zhang Hui, director of Fuxin Culture Touarism, Radio and Television Bureau, was interviewed by the CRIOnline Liaoning Channel [Photo by Cai Yong]

  Fuxin, located in the central Liaoning Province northeast China, is also known as "the hometown of jade & dragon and an origin of civilization" because jade artifacts and a dragon piled up with stones were found at the Chahai site about 8,000 years ago.  

  On August 30, the CRI Online Liaoning Channel interviewed Zhang Hui, director of the Fuxin Culture Tourism, Radio and Television Bureau. Centering on the top ten cultural tourism products, Zhang Hui introduced in detail Fuxin's efforts to "liven" the culture of the millennium,let the tourism industry "flourish", so as to boost the cities "beautiful" culture and tourism.  

  Fuxin has the largest Tibetan Buddhism temple in the north, Ruiying Temple, the largest-scale Haitang mountain esoteric cliff statues in China, and a high-quality sodium bicarbonate mineral spring known for its "the best quality." Meditation activities are organically integrated with the hot spring bath, leisure and health care.

  Zhang Hui introduced, at present, Fuxin focuses on the Zhangwu Ecological Grassland Tourism Area, the Huangjiagou Global Tourism Demonstration Zone, the Centennial Racing Track City, the city of the agate, Archaeological Park of Chahai Site, Haitang Mountain Tourism Economic Zone,Maifan Stone Town of Uranmatu Mountain,Zhang Sanfeng Tai Chi characteristic town, Haizhou Aviation Sports Town ten cultural and tourism industry sections to build. Fuxin, an energy city that has created brilliant coal and electricity, is now focusing on the integration of culture and tourism, highlighting the characteristics of the cultural and tourism industry, so that the coal and electricity energy city gorgeous turn into clear water and blue sky of the fresh cultural and tourism industry new town. 

Experience the legend of the Millennium by taking a cliff tour and Chahai in Fuxin

Spring in Ulanmutu Mountain [Photo by Ding Zhijun]

Experience the legend of the Millennium by taking a cliff tour and Chahai in Fuxin

Ruiying Temple [Photo by Fuxin Culture Tourism, Radio and Television Bureau]

Experience the legend of the Millennium by taking a cliff tour and Chahai in Fuxin

Daqinggou [Photo by Fuxin Culture Tourism, Radio and Television Bureau]


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