Anshan, Liaoning Province: "Integration of four Industries" to create a New IP of Urban Tourism Culture

2019-09-20 16:01:56  |  來源:中央廣電總臺國際在線  |  編輯:李靜   |  責編:董健雄

Anshan, Liaoning Province: "Integration of four Industries" to create a New IP of Urban Tourism Culture

Zhu Qing, head of publicity and marketing department, Anshan Culture, Tourism, Radio and Television Bureau [Photo by Chen Yingnan]

  Anshan is named so because there is a peak shaped like a saddle in the south of the city.

  It is located in the central part of the beautiful and rich Liaodong Peninsula, located on the golden line of tourism in northeast China.

  Anshan Xiuyan Manchu Autonomous County, as the birthplace of Chinese jade culture, is hailed as the "jade city of China".  Xiuyan jade is delicate in texture, clear and mild, with unique oriental beauty.

  On August 28, the CRI Online Liaoning Channel interviewed Zhu Qing, head of the publicity and marketing department of the Anshan  Culture, Tourism,  Radio and Television Bureau.

  Zhu Qing said that in recent years, Anshan has centered around the four major tourism resources of "Qianshan Mountain + hot springs + industry + Xiuyan jade."

  It has created brand featuring the world's largest jade Buddha, Asia's famous hot springs, China's places of interest Qianshan Mountain, the city of iron and steel, and China's jade city.

  As the earliest starter of New China's industry, Ansteel has become one of the national industrial tourism demonstration sites.

  In Ansteel, people can see the ruins of ancient iron production caves in the Han Dynasty and the 150-meter deep open-pit iron ore mining site. In Ansteel, people feel the grandeur of modern iron and steel production industry, and steel-making is the epitome of Ansteel's continuous self-improvement. 

  "In the red tourism project themed on iron and steel culture, we should build 'one ring, twelve pearls', that is, taking the ring railway as the route to build a red tourism demonstration zone featuring iron and steel culture industry.

  It mainly includes 12 key projects, such as Dagushan Mine Observation Platform, Honglou 1953 Cultural Tourism Town, China Steel City Impression theme park and so on. "

  Zhu Qing said that Anshan should take " steel and jade city " as the brand to create a new IP of urban tourism culture.

Anshan, Liaoning Province: "Integration of four Industries" to create a New IP of Urban Tourism Culture

A panoramic view of Anshan [Photo by Anshan Culture, Tourism, Radio and Television Bureau]

Anshan, Liaoning Province: "Integration of four Industries" to create a New IP of Urban Tourism Culture

Pear blossoms in Qianshan Mountain scenic spot [Photo by Anshan Culture Tourism, Radio and Television Bureau]

Anshan, Liaoning Province: "Integration of four Industries" to create a New IP of Urban Tourism Culture

Golden Angang [Photo by Anshan Culture Tourism, Radio and Television Bureau]


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