Discover the legendary Beauty of Shengjing in Shenyang

2019-10-08 08:34:36  |  來源:中央廣電總臺國際在線  |  編輯:李靜   |  責編:董健雄

Discover the legendary Beauty of Shengjing in Shenyang

Yan Shouzhu ,Deputy Director of ShenYang Culture, Tourism, Radio and Television Bureau

  Shenyang, a legendary city. "One palace, two tombs" once carried the dream of the Qing Dynasty, Commander Zhang’s Mansion witnessed the vicissitudes of modern Chinese history, and The 9.18 Historical Museum recorded the national epic in which the Chinese people rose up to fight against Japanese invaders. More than 200 "firsts" in the industrial history of New China are engraved with its light. Yan Shouzhu, deputy director of the Shenyang Culture, Tourism, Radio and Television Bureau, took an exclusive interview with CRI Online Liaoning Channel on September 3 to describe the charm of Shenyang.

Discover the legendary Beauty of Shengjing in Shenyang

The Great Hall of the Mukden Palace in Shenyang [Photo: Jin Zhenxi]

  From a cultural point of view, Yan Shouzhu believes that the tourism resources of Shenyang are mainly reflected in the culture of the Qing Dynasty, the Republic of China, the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the industrial culture. "We will further tap into the cultural resources of Shenyang and implement the integration of literature and tourism, to better show the cultural connotation of Shenyang in front of tourists at home and abroad." Shenyang, which has the reputation of "Oriental Ruhr", has a unique charm of industrial culture. The China Industrial Museum records the heavy memory of Shenyang's industrial development, and the "Workers' Residence" restores the scene of workers' life in the 1960s and 1970s. Shenyang BMW Tiexi Factory, the only AAAA automobile scenic spot in China, shows the charm of industry and art.

Discover the legendary Beauty of Shengjing in Shenyang

China Industrial Museum [Photo: Shenyang Culture, Tourism, Radio and Television Bureau]

  Shenyang has four distinct seasons. The weather is not hot in summer and not too cold in winter, so it is especially suitable for tourism. "Yan Shouzhu said that Shenyang has held four seasons of tourism activities for 14 years in a row, such as Food Festival, Beer Festival, Harvest Festival, Ice and Snow Festival and so on, attracting a large number of tourists. Shenyang, an ancient and modern city, is opening arms to welcome tourists at home and abroad to feel the breeze full of rhyme, in pursuit of Shengjing memory.


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