Dandong: lost in the beautiful mountains and the sea

2019-10-08 08:34:30  |  來源:中央廣電總臺國際在線  |  編輯:李靜   |  責編:董健雄

Dandong: lost in the beautiful mountains and the sea

Li Yunfeng, Director of Dandong Culture, Tourism, Radio and Television Bureau (photo by Chen Yingnan)

  Dandong is located in the southeast of Liaoning Province, the confluence of the Yalu River and the Yellow Sea, divided by a river with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, and stands close to South Korea and Japan.

  Dandong is a city with border ports, airports, high-speed rail, river ports, seaports and highways.

  On August 26, Li Yunfeng, director of Dandong Culture Tourism, Radio, and Television Bureau, took an exclusive interview with the CRI Online Liaoning Channel. He said that Dandong has preliminarily formed a tourism system featuring "border life, red elements, ecological preservation, hot springs, rivers and seas".

  Phoenix Mountain is grand, steep, serene, fantastic and beautiful. Standing near mountains and rivers Dalishu Village allows people has lotus view, yummy fruits. Bushy trees, clear ancient springs are among the attractions of Tianqiaogou National Forest Park. While the water keeps rumbling in the Yalu River…

  "Dandong is rich in tourism resources, including rivers, lakes, seas, mountains, springs, forests and islands. Good natural ecological conditions, pleasant climate makes Dandong the 'Jiangnan in the north'.” Li Yunfeng said that Dandong has made great efforts to develop five major tourism product clusters, respectively, with the experience of going to DPRK as the core and the high-quality tourism routes to DPRK as the support of the tourism product clusters to DPRK.

  With the spirit of patriotism as the core, the red tourism boutique cluster supported by Hushan, Broken Bridge and Korean Memorial Hall, the ecotourism cluster with natural ecology as the core and Phoenix Mountain, Tianqiaogou, Tianhua Mountain and Dalishu Village as the support.

  With the development of hot springs as the core, the recreation and sports tourism boutique cluster supported by Wulongbei, Dongtang, Jinshan Hot Spring Town, North Yellow Sea Hot Spring Town and the Yalu River as the core.

  Yalu River, Zhang Island, Dalu Island are the support of the river and sea tourism boutique cluster.

  The five major tourism product clusters fully demonstrate the landscape of Dandong.

  With full enthusiasm and unique urban charm, Dandong welcomes friends at home and abroad to  feel the beauty of this city.

Dandong: lost in the beautiful mountains and the sea

Yalu River Bridge (photo provided by Dandong Culture Tourism, Radio, and Television Bureau)

Dandong: lost in the beautiful mountains and the sea

Phoenix Mountain, (photo provided by andong Culture Tourism, Radio, and Television Bureau)

Dandong: lost in the beautiful mountains and the sea

Andong Old Street, (photo provided by Dandong Culture Tourism, Radio, and Television Bureau)


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