Yanqing inviting visitors all over the world to Beijing Expo 2019

|ChinaNews|2019-06-11 14:14:07

Unconsciously, each inch of the land in Yanqing is full of the beauty of spring. Peach blossom of bright colours and elegant apricot blossom have been blooming in the spring breeze. In this beautiful season, the Beijing Expo 2019 has been officially opened to the public.

Yanqing inviting visitors all over the world to Beijing Expo 2019

The expo park [Photo by Duan Xuefeng]

When the sun goes down, and the evening lights are lit, the park of Beijing Expo 2019 is decorated by numerous lanterns and lamps. In the light full of changing colours, the grand pavilions in the park add more joy to Yanqing’s night.

The expo park [Photo by Duan Xuefeng]

The Performance Center [Photo by Duan Xuefeng]

The expo park [Photo by Duan Xuefeng]

The Yongning Pavilion [Photo by Duan Xuefeng]

The "wings" of the Performance Center are stretching under the starlight, showing its bright colours proudly. On Yongning Pavilion, a building in the style of ancient architecture, the stars are hung on the cornice, and the lights are drawing the outline of each tile. The pavilion is looking down calmly at the magnificent expo park.

The expo park [Photo by Duan Xuefeng]

The China Pavilion [Photo by Duan Xuefeng]

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The Botanical Pavilion [Photo by Duan Xuefeng]

The China Pavilion lit by colourful lanterns and lamps is shining bright light in the darkness. On the Botanical Pavilion, transparent "roots" are creeping and casting shadows in the sea of lights.

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The International Pavilion [Photo by Duan Xuefeng]

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The Living Experience Pavilion [Photo by Duan Xuefeng]

The International Pavilion has also put forth its "flowers" in this beautiful spring. Under each umbrella, the constructors of the Beijing Expo 2019 are working hard at night. These constructors, together with the mechanical arms, are working without a stop. The sweat of them refracts and separates light into different colours.

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The expo park [Photo by Duan Xuefeng]

The paths outside the expo park are turned into flowing rivers glistening warm yellow light. These paths are leading the visitors from afar to knock the "gate" of this "feast of horticulture".

The lights in the expo park have lightened the night, and Gui Chuan is welcoming the visitors around the world. Beijing Expo 2019 has now lifted its veil and revealed its "face" to tourists. Yanqing has opened its arms to invite visitors to Beijing Expo 2019 to enjoy this splendid "feast".