Guichuan welcomes May with blooming flowers while Haituo Mountain embraces the Winter Olympics with snowfall

|ChinaNews|2019-02-25 13:16:37

Guichuan Welcomes May with Blooming Flowers while Haituo Mountain Embraces the Winter Olympics with Snowfall_fororder_碧水白山 衛麗英攝_副本

Caption: The clear water and the mountain with snowcap [Photo by Wei Liying]

Guichuan embraces May with blooming flowers while Haituo Mountain is decorated with snow on the top. The foot and top of the same mountain present completely different scenery and one can experience spring and winter altogether at the same place.

Drizzling leads you back in time.

Guichuan Welcomes May with Blooming Flowers while Haituo Mountain Embraces the Winter Olympics with Snowfall_fororder_霧籠山巒  古大鵬攝_副本

Caption: The mountain is enshrouded in mist. [Photo by Gu Dapeng]

Leaning against the handrails when it's drizzling on Haituo Mountain, one can see the sea of clouds rolling like an unfolding traditional Chinese painting. Every brush stroke and the delicate polishing skills enable you to walk into the wonderland with no thought of coming back to earth.

Snowfall creates a fantastic encounter.

The sun has just appeared after the rain and the flowers are blooming on the mountain. Haituo Mountain seems to have worn a jade crown. Write a small poem, take a nice photo, record the beautiful scenery and prepare for the Winter Olympics.